Dear LifeMission Family, 

As we step into the vibrant days of April, I am thrilled to share with you an exciting opportunity that aligns perfectly with our vision to see lives and communities transformed. On May 30th, LifeMission Church will host a Job Fair in partnership with our partner organization, Better Jobs.

Why is this job fair significant?

  1. Empowerment: The Better Jobs Job Fair isn’t just about finding employment; it’s about empowering individuals to take charge of their futures. We believe that meaningful work contributes to a sense of purpose and well-being.
  2. Connections: This event bridges the gap between job seekers and employers but more than that it connects our church with our community. We will also have several of our ministry partners there to connect people to their resources and services.
  3. Volunteer Opportunities: We invite you to be part of this transformative day! Consider volunteering your time to help make the job fair a success. Whether it’s assisting with registration, guiding attendees, or providing encouragement, your contribution matters.

How can you get involved?

  • Attend Mission Monday: April’s Mission Monday (the 15th) will be dedicated to learning more about Better Jobs, the job fair and opportunities to be a part of ministering to our community through this event.
  • Spread the Word: Share this exciting news with friends, family, and neighbors. Let’s rally together to support our community members in their job search.
  • Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer at the job fair. Your smile, encouragement, and assistance can make a significant impact. There are several different roles that we need filled.

When we empower others, we strengthen our community. Let’s be a beacon of hope and opportunity for those seeking better jobs and brighter futures.

I hope to see you at Mission Monday!

Pastor Jacob Lierz

East Africa Outreach Testimony

"God used this trip to remind me of His faithfulness. He is our Provider and He is our Rescuer. He reminded me to focus on His love, that the harvest is waiting, and although there are thorns and thistles, the work is worth it because He is with us. I was reminded that we are safest when we are doing His will. I am so grateful to be part of a body of believers who give sacrificially to care for widows and orphans, to visit those in prison, to bring water to the least of these, and to take the good news to those who have never heard!" - Nathan H. 

Missionary Spotlight

Kelley and Sarah Vincent run a training school for missionary teachers, produce Christian school materials, mentor young missionary staff and are in the leadership group of the YWAM Diriamba, Nicaragua base.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for wisdom as they prepare and lead a course called Teachers for the Nations in multiple languages.

2. Pray that they raise all the money that they need to scholarship their teachers.

Kenya Short Term Outreach

Join us this fall as we partner with Agape Children's Ministry on a short term outreach to Kenya! We'll have the opportunity to team up with Agape on their family reunification efforts and minister through evangelism to street children.

Agape Children’s Ministry is passionate about bringing love and belonging to vulnerable street and at-risk children through their love-based family reunification program. 

Applications close May 6th and space is limited, so apply today!

Mission Monday

As Pastor Jacob mentioned above, this coming Mission Monday will be an opportunity for us to learn more about Better Jobs and how we can see lives and our community transformed through this upcoming Job Fair.

Join us on April 15th at 7pm in the Barn at the Olathe Campus to learn about how you can be a part!

GO Conference 2024

June 6-8, 2024
LifeMission Church Olathe Campus

The GO Conference is specifically designed to help every believer discover their place in God's mission! You do not want to miss out as we gather together to worship, pray, be inspired, and receive our mission to GO, Love God and Love Others.

Local Outreach Opportunities

Good Neighbor Team is a group of compassionate individuals from a church or friend group who take the incredible step of walking alongside a refugee family for 6-12 months. To learn more and get involved attend Mission Adelante's Volunteer Orientation click HERE!

Mission Adelante needs weekly volunteers to help with their ESL programs for latinos and refugees on Monday and Thursday nights, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. More information click HERE!

For current needs and drives, click HERE!
For current volunteer opportunities, click HERE!

There are many ways to serve single moms in our community and one of them is by partnering with The Single Mom KC. If you're interested in serving at a Pursuit Event, or during the week at their clothing boutique, you can do so HERE!

The KC Dream Center's programs provide free assistance to those struggling in the surrounding communities in the form of food, clothing, children's programs and more. This support allows families and individuals to focus on their personal growth, family health, and stability while having basic needs met on a consistent basis.
Click HERE to sign up to serve with them!

Contact Info:

