LifeMission Family,

Psalm 96:3 says “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples”.

We are so excited to announce our annual missions conference registration is open and YOU’RE INVITED!

June 6-8, 2024
LifeMission Church Olathe Campus

Last year at the GO Conference we were blown away by the goodness of God, as He encountered us in such powerful ways! We are so excited and expectant for the conference this year, knowing He is going to reveal Himself to us in new ways.

This conference is specifically designed to help every believer discover your place in God’s mission! You do not want to miss out as we gather together to worship, pray, be inspired, and receive our mission to GO, Love God and Love Others.

We have some insider information just for you! Because we want everyone from LifeMission to join us at the conference, we are giving you a HUGE discount. Anyone who attends LifeMission Church that uses the discount code will give you 75% off making your ticket only $10 per person!

LifeMission Discount Code: LMC10

GO Conference Testimony

"GO Conference 2023 in a nutshell was nothing short of a trajectory altering experience for me. I went into it with a strong foundation of Missions and a desire to maybe one day even be a missionary on the field, but even with that perspective I still wasn't fully prepared for the way that the Lord was going to speak and move throughout the conference. Over the course of the three days many impactful messages and times of ministry happened and each one of them spoke to me uniquely but none was as significant as the Friday night session where Stephen Venable spoke. As I sat and listened to him implore and almost plead with the body of Christ to consider the deep need for the gospel in the nations of the earth and what our part is to play in the great commission I felt something seize inside of me. While he described the man Jesus with fire in His eyes, who's heart desires to see every person on earth hear of His name, my heart was grieved beyond words and the need for response was unbearable. As I lay at the altar that night wetting the floor with tears of repentance and surrender I knew I would never be the same. The Holy Spirit had taken my mindset from one that said "I know Jesus has talked to me about doing missions multiple times and I probably should do it" to instead, "I won't be able to live with myself if I don't answer the invitation Jesus has given me to be apart of what He is doing in the nations of the earth at some point in my life." While I still don't know the timing or all the details of what long term missions look like for me, what I do know is that God marked my life for His mission that night and I'm excited to see how it continues to unfold."    - Jack

Missionary Spotlight

Steven & Maddy are focusing on prayer, worship, and discipling others to take their next steps in following Jesus as they minister to the religiously deceived. You can learn more about their ministry at HERE. They have a coffee business that provides them natural opportunities to connect with non-believers. Learn more about their coffee business HERE

Prayer Points:

1. Pray that their coffee business would continue to thrive and lead to greater community and divine appointments.

2. Pray for abundance and fruit as they continue to disciple and build an atmosphere of prayer and worship.

Short Term Outreach

Greece (ages 13-18) - Join LifeMission Youth this summer as we go to serve what God is doing in Greece! We will be serving with YWAM as they minister on the Island of Thessaloniki through their rescue mission ministry, worship & prayer, youth events, service projects, and sharing Jesus with those in need. 

Registration for this trip closes February 21st, 2024. 

Coming in March: Partner with Agape Children's Ministry in Kenya. Registration opens March 10th, 2024. 

Mission Monday

Our next Mission Monday will be on February 19th, at 7pm in the Barn at the Olathe Campus. Join us to hear testimonies from our latest short term outreach to the Philippines. 

We can't wait to see you there! 

Local Outreach Opportunities

Good Neighbor Team is a group of compassionate individuals from a church or friend group who take the incredible step of walking alongside a refugee family for 6-12 months. To learn more and get involved attend Mission Adelante’s Volunteer Orientation on January 13th or click HERE!

Mission Adelante needs weekly volunteers to help with their ESL programs for latinos and refugees on Monday and Thursday nights, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. More information click HERE!

For current needs and drives, click HERE!
For current volunteer opportunities, click HERE!

There are many ways to serve single moms in our community and one of them is by partnering with The Single Mom KC. If you're interested in serving at a Pursuit Event, or during the week at their clothing boutique, you can do so HERE!

ADOPT-A-BLOCK OLATHE - Saturday, February 17th, 9:30am - 12:30pm
ADOPT-A-BLOCK KCK - Saturday, February 17th, 9:30am - 12:30pm

The Adopt-A-Block program visits select under-resourced neighborhoods every month to clean up the neighborhood, distribute food and hygiene items, and simply find a need and fill it.

Click HERE to sign up to serve!

Contact Info:

