Hey LifeMission Family!

As we enter the Autumn season, I love decorating my house with pumpkins and leaves, fill my house with the smells of pumpkin, apples, and spices as I bake lots of tasty things, and constantly have my favorite Autumn Jazz playlist on in the background. I hope you are finding time to enjoy this fall season in some way!

In this change in season, the Lord has reminded me again of the value and importance of prayer for the completion of the Great Commission. As someone who works full time in both missions & prayer, it can feel funny for the Lord to need to remind me of this, but sometimes the things that seem so familiar or obvious can be overlooked or forgotten when life gets busy. He has taken me back to this scripture again:

Isaiah 56:7 “Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

The Lord desires that every tongue, tribe, and nation would be given the opportunity to know and receive Jesus as savior and Lord. We have the great privilege and honor to be able to participate in making this happen in the most effective and powerful way possible, PRAYER! No matter what our external life involvement in the Great Commission is able to be, God has made it possible for none of us to miss out on partnering with Him to accomplish His mission in the earth.

Where do I start?
1. First, thank the Lord for the invitation and opportunity to be a participant in His global mission!
2. Second, ask the Lord if there are any specific assignments He has for you. He may speak to you about a specific nation, country, people group, region of the world, or even a specific missionary.
3. Third, take time each week to focus on praying for the gospel to go forth in all nations of the earth

Some prayer points you can focus on:
-Missionaries to be sent to the unreached and unengaged people groups/nations of the world
-Bible Translation would be funded and completed in all the languages of the earth, specifically for the last 4,0000 languages that do not have it
-Strength & boldness for current missionaries and believers spreading the gospel around the world

Helpful Prayer Resources:

For His Glory,
Nicole Dinsmore
Director of Global Missions & GO Prayer

Old Settlers Recap

We had an incredible time at Old Settlers this year! Thank you to all that came out and served with us in the booth or at the parade. We were able to pray for many people and Jesus was glorified in the streets of Olathe.

SE Asia Outreach Testimony

"What an honor to put feet on the ground in another country and be the hands and feet of Jesus!

We had many amazing opportunities to minister to others during the time we were there. We saw several salvations, prayed for hundreds of people, served with the missionaries there in many different ministries that they do, and got to interact with many people groups in significant ways.

One of my favorite times, was the evening we attended a house church in the slums. We were in a home that was maybe 10' by 10' size. Around 40+ people we crowded in this tiny room. People were standing out the doorway, down the hall and stairs and hanging near the window. (The stories in the Bible were becoming suddenly very real! Where the man was lowered through the roof because the crowds were so big he couldn't get near Jesus and the time the man fell out the window during a sermon!) Jack led worship and preached a message and Cara shared a great testimony. During worship Jack just starting singing "Hallelujah. Jesus!" over and over... All the people joined in even though it was a new language for them. It was as if we were hearing a piece of heaven when all tribes, tongues, and nations will be worshipping Jesus together! There were many tears of joy from all our team that night!

All in all a great trip with many opportunities to share Jesus with others. Our team was challenged daily and everyone grew on our team in the process!"

2024 Short Term Outreaches  

Are you looking for an opportunity to be involved in overseas missions next year?  Applications for our Spring and Summer trips are coming soon! You can learn more about each specific trip HERE. Prayfully seek the Lord to see if now is the time for you to partner with Him in a short term outreach.

Mission Partner Spotlight

Did you know that 1% of all the tithe at LifeMission Church goes to FIRM? 

In his letter to Romans, Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom. 1:16). We all know this verse and we love this verse! But the verse doesn’t stop there. It goes on to say: “to the Jew first…” What does this verse mean for believers? What does it have to do with giving to Israel and the Jewish people?

There is spiritual power in prioritizing what God says to put first. He chose Israel to receive His law first. His son came to the Jewish people first. The Creator planned for the Gospel to come out of Jerusalem.

God links the Jewish people with the Church in His Great Commission and to fulfill His Word. The Good News needs to reach both Israel and the nations. It will go “…to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.”

By giving “to the Jew first”, we honor God’s design. We bless the people He chose, and we seek the fulfilment of His promises.

Learn more about The 1% Challenge HERE

Mission Monday

Join us this month on Monday, October 16th, at 7pm in the Barn at our Olathe Campus for Mission Monday!

This month we will be learning more about God's heart for Israel. If you have a heart for growing a deeper understanding of the world, cultivating God's heart for all people or discovering unique ways to be a part of God's Mission, Mission Monday is for you and we would love to see you there! 

Local Outreach in October

For current needs and drives, click HERE!
For current volunteer opportunities, click HERE!

PURSUIT EVENT - The Single Mom KC hosts an event called Pursuit on the first Wednesday of every month at our KCK campus. The next two events will be on October 4th and November 1st. The volunteer opportunities range from cooking and serving the meal, greeting and helping with registration, and working with the kids. This is a great way for our church family to serve single moms in our community! When signing up make sure to select "LifeMission KCK". Sign up HERE!

You can help bless refugee families by gathering the "Welcome Kit" items listed and bringing them to RefugeKC or allowing them to help you deliver these donations directly to the family. You may gather an entire kit for a particular family or host a collection for a variety of items that will be distributed to multiple families. Contact RefugeKC by clicking HERE to let them know how you'd like to give.

Meal sharing is not only important but is considered virtuous in many cultures. For Refuge KC, sharing a weekly meal will enable students & volunteers to deepen relationships outside of class. Would your small group be willing to prepare & serve a meal? It's a great way to meet people from other cultures in a group setting. To sign up to make a meal, click HERE!

ADOPT-A-BLOCK - Saturday, Oct 21st, 9:30am -12:30pm
The Adopt-A-Block program visits select under-resourced neighborhoods every month to clean up the neighborhood, distribute food and hygiene items, and simply find a need and fill it. Click HERE!

STREET OUTREACH - Saturday, Oct 28th, 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
The Street Outreach program visits homeless camps across the area. We deliver food, snacks, and water and visit with those facing homelessness to see how we can help. Click HERE!

Contact Info:

Website: https://www.lifemission.church

Email: info@lifemission.church